What up y’all it’s me, Shoosteen, and I’m back after more than a month of nonbloggediness. You see, I would have updated this blog a lot sooner but these are the factual things that happened to me that prevented me from doing so and I’m not making any of them up, not even one:
On the day that I last updated this blog, I was leaving my apartamento with the intention of going to a museum of old things to experience CULTURE so I could tell you all about it on my blog that definitely more than 5 people read including my parents. Then, what happened was ¡KA-BAM POW! all of a sudden I got run over by a parade of beef farmers which would have been fine except for the fact that they were each wielding a bottle of wine which they forced me to drink the entire thing of, making me get lost in a hazy cloud of espaynish. All of a sudden, I found myself in this trendy-as-shit bar where they were playing nothing but things YOU would never have even heard of. I told the bar tender, “hey look, I know who all of these bands are, you’re not really as hip as you think, but that’s neither here nor there because I really have to go to this museum so I can tell all my friends and family about what I’m doing via a blog that I have which totally has more than 15 hits, I promise.” He said something really fast but I totally understood it porque my Spanish was so much more mejor than before. I tried to do what he said but de repente it was daylight because I HAD STAYED OUT ALL NIGHT and it was loud because everyone was screaming. At first I thought I was back home and had wandered into an SDS rally but then I realized oh yeah these are just regular students and they took over school and have refused to let anyone have classes for the next three weeks because a window fell or something. Not having to sit through a four-hour class, I hopped on the subte home and started listening to my iPod when I realized that the music that YOU would never have even heard of was only coming from one of the ear buds. What had happened was that I had broken it just like I always break my headphones. But this was the least of my worries because ¡GASP! I looked down at my LEVIS SKINNY JEANS and realized some bro had picked the shit out of my pocket. And this won’t have even been a thang except for the fact that the only way I know the password to my blog is it is written on a tiny piece of paper that I always keep in the back pocket of my LEVIS SKINNY JEANS. The entire next month I did nothing but worry about how the HECK are my friends and family going to know what I’m up to if they can’t read my blog because there’s definitely no such thing as email or skype or facebook or twitter. De suerte, I got an email (oh yeah i also keep my email address written on the piece of paper) from some boludo saying “I’m sorry I stole that piece of paper with the password to your blog on it, I thought it was money because a lot of estadounidenses just keep their money there. Here it is in this email because I know how keeping a blog is a very important part of THE STUDYING ABROAD EXPERIENCE.”
And he’s right, which is why I immediately logged in with the password I had lost for an entire more-than-a-month and started to write this post. In my next post which I PROMISE I WILL DO SOON I will tell you about how I went to see a bunch of falling water called Iguazú Falls.